Dried Goji Berries
Dried Goji Berries
Product Highlights:
- 100% All-Natural
- Non-GMO
- ZERO Added Sugar
We recommend this product for:
Rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, gerbils, hamsters, mice, and rats will appreciate these tasty treats.
Junk food snacks? They’re not okay. Healthy treats for animals? Hip Hip Hooray! If you’re looking for some terrific treats for your small animal, look no further.
Small Pet Select’s unsweetened goji berries are 100% all-natural. A great treat for rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, gerbils, hamsters, mice, and rats. Our dried goji berries are naturally packed with nutrients like beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin, antioxidant carotenoids. Plus, there’s the yumminess factor.
Take a berry, break it up, and place bits around the living area for foraging fun. Hide them under hay or put them on the top level of a castle to encourage activity. The possibilities are endless!
Don't go crazy though. Like all fruit, even these little chunks of goodness have natural sugars (fructose). We recommend only a piece every few days. (ONE PER MONTH MAX FOR CHINCHILLAS.) These are treats, not food!
Dried Goji Berries
Feeding Instructions:
Small Pet Select Goji berries should be fed as a treat! We recommend not more than a piece every few days. (ONE PER MONTH MAX FOR CHINCHILLAS.) Take a berry, break it up, and hide it around the cage to encourage foraging or use as a treat for good behavior.
Sourcing Location:
Himalayan Mountain Region
Storage and Expiration Info:
We recommend storing these goji berries in a cool, dark, dry place. They can also be refrigerated.
Dimensions and Weights:
2 oz. (56.7g)
Competitor Comparison:
Our natural pet treats (goji berry) have absolutely NO added sugar. And that’s a healthy win!